Is your Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking troubling you while using it with Microsoft Office 365 Applications? Is the software crashing preventing you to use the software?
Most of our users have faced the same problem, specially with Microsoft Office Word.
Well, the major problem that occurs is that while Microsoft Word crashes or does not respond, it disables all add-ins that must be enabled or running that time. As the Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking Software is an add-in, it would be frequently disabled by the Microsoft Word.
And this will hamper your tasks.
So, how do you overcome this problem?
To help you out with a prompt and quick solution, our team of experts has come up with a step by step procedure to reenable the Dragon NaturallySpeaking add-in in Microsoft Word 2010.
If you are struggling with the same problem, follow the below steps and get rid of this issue as soon as possible.
10 Easy Steps to Ensure Easy Working of Dragon NaturallySpeaking with Word office 365
Follow these steps to get instant solution of the add-in word issue associated with Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking Software.
Step 1 – Before you start, make sure all running applications in your PC are closed. If not, close them and then proceed ahead.
Step 2 – Once all applications are closed, put your computer on Reboot.
Step 3 – After rebooting, start your PC once again and then open Microsoft Word.
Step 4 – Now, go to the file menu and top left on the screen.
Step 5 – As you will click on File option, the menu list will open where you can select the add-in option given on the left pane.
Step 6 – Once the option is selected, you need to look further for the disabled items section for the Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking add-in.
Step 7 – If here in the list of disabled items, the Dragon Add-in is disabled, you will need to select the manage drop-down menu given at the bottom of the window and choose disabled items option.
Step 8 – Thereafter, you can further select the Dragon NaturallySpeaking add-in in the disabled items window.
Step 9 – To enable the add-in, click on the ‘enable’ button.
Step 10 – Now, close all dialog boxes, Microsoft Word, Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking software and then once again restart them all.
So, this is how you can fix the Dragon add-in word issue. If you need further assistance for the same, please feel free to reach us through toll-free number +1-310-513-5006